The Mass Parts we Sing

We’ve all done it: the choir - or Father - tries a new hymn or a different setting for Mass, and we’re so lost, or Father is so out of tune, we’re doing okay if we halfway mutter the hymn, or just lip-sync it, if we do anything at all. This page is to help us get, well, on the same page at Mass as we do our best to lend our voices in song and praise. Come here often, especially as the seasons change, as we will be posting recordings of at least the Mass parts, if not the hymns as well, to help you prepare for Mass.

During the Lenten Season, except for the 8:30 Mass at St. Catherine’s, the Mass parts will be sung in Latin and, for the most part, under the setting called the “Missa de Angelis” i.e. “The Mass of the Angels.” The recordings are as follows:

Kyrie Eleison - “Lord have Mercy”

Gloria - “Glory to God in the Highest”

Sanctus - “Holy, holy, holy”

Agnus Dei - Lamb of God